Restricted Regions

To comply with regulatory requirements and embargoes, Floor Protocol has implemented certain regional restrictions on the availability and use of our services.

Service and Product Availability:

Floor Protocol's services and products are subject to geographical restrictions. Due to various legal and regulatory requirements, individuals who reside in or hold citizenship of certain jurisdictions may be prohibited from accessing or using our platform.

Restricted Territories:

At present, residents and citizens of Mainland China and the United States are strictly prohibited from using any services provided by Floor Protocol. This restriction is in place to ensure compliance with the relevant laws and regulations governing these territories.

Access Control Measures:

Floor Protocol employs various methods to determine your geographic location, such as analyzing your IP address. Based on this information, access to our platform may be denied or restricted to ensure compliance with the applicable restrictions.

User Responsibility:

By using Floor Protocol, you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not accessing or using our services from any jurisdiction where doing so would be considered illegal or in violation of any applicable laws or regulations, whether local, state, national, or international in nature.

Amendments and Revisions:

Please note that Floor Protocol reserves the right to modify, update, or amend these restrictions at any time, without prior notice. To ensure that you remain compliant with the most current version of these terms, we strongly advise you to review this section periodically.

Last updated